a whirlwind week
We started out on Monday with Benjamin's last day of gymnastics. Normally the parents stay out in the hallway, but Ben's instructor let me come in to get a few photos. (However, the lighting wasn't great, and I still am getting used to my new camera. I'm sure there was some setting I could've used that would've given me better pictures... haven't figured it out yet, though!) Here's Ben, working on cartwheels:

On Saturday, Emmalie and I went back to her school bright and early. She had a choir trip, and I was chaperoning. Emm designed the t-shirts that all the kids wore:
On the bus with Elizabeth and Annie:
Our first stop was Millburn Middle School in Lindenhurst, where the choir performed for the Music in the Park competition. They spent some time practicing in the gym:
and then later had some time to practice in the choir room before singing for the judges:
I didn't take pictures while they were being judged, but I did take a video that Emm put on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqTNMIL6zjE I thought they did an awesome job, and I was so proud of them!
An interesting note on the second piece (Mystery Kyrie): Mr. Hain had downloaded the song from Napster several years ago, and since that time he's been unable to find out any information about it (who wrote it, etc.). He played the recording for the choir, and they wanted to sing it. Since he didn't have any way to get sheet music for it, he and the kids have worked together for several weeks, listening to the recording and dictating the music, figuring out all the notes for the 4 different parts ~ not something that middle school choirs typically do!
We stopped for some lunch, and then headed to Six Flags Great America! Here Veronika, Sammiie, Emm, and Elizabeth wait to get on a ride: Elizabeth and Emm rode this:
while the rest of the girls in our group went on this:
(I love the water rides, but the day was a bit too chilly for me to want to get sopping wet!)
After going on several rides, we met up with the group at the Ampitheater for the results of the competition. I know that the kids were very disappointed that they placed 4th and not higher, but I am still so proud of them for doing such a challenging piece. If I'd been a judge, they would've placed much higher! Here 2 of the choir members are walking back with their trophy:
After the results, we still had about 2 hours before we had to leave. Some of the kids played a few games:
and we went on a few more rides. At 7pm we all met back up again in front of the carousel. I got this photo of Emm holding the group's trophy:
And we got a few group shots:
We stopped for supper on the way home, and then got back around 9:30pm.
On Sunday, we all headed to church. It was the last day of Sunday School, so Ben's class had a little party. Here he is with his favorite Sunday School teacher. (Nevermind that he's only had one so far, LOL! He just adores her!!): There was also a carnival after the service. We ate some lunch, then played games. Here Emm tries to get a clothespin in a bottle:
Ben and Nick try to stand a bottle back up (Ben almost did it!):
Then we watched a great magic show! We sat with Ben's friend Ben. :) (They call each other "Other Ben", LOL!)
There was even a bounce house to jump in: