a week of wedding festivities!
I'm finally back home, and have many, many photos to share from my week in Ames! :)
May 17th, after a looong drive to Iowa, Ben and I were ready to get out and go for a walk! This is him with my mom, resting on a bench, and then reading a bedtime story back at my parents':

May 18th, Mom, Dad, Christine and I took Ben to a park:

and then to see the baby colts at the ISU horse barns:
and then over to the Forestry greenhouse so Ben could sit on the tractor there:
May 19th, Inger's mom drove Inger and me to Perry for our final fittings, and then took us to a tea room for lunch, yum!:
May 20th, Inger and I filled the favor bags with chocolate and tied tags on them:

May 21st, Ben and I went to my in-laws' for the day. Here Grandma Fran plays "trucks" with Ben:
Later that night was Inger's bachelorette party. I'd bought her a tiara and sash, which we made her wear all night! We started out at her parents' (this is Sara, Inger, and me):

Then headed to Cafe Shi, where we met up with Inger's sister Krista and had a delicious meal:
Next we stopped at the Ice Arena. We had hoped to skate, but arrived only 15 minutes before they closed (they had told me on the phone that they were open later), so we weren't able to go ice skating:

Next we drove to Legends, a bar on campustown, for some drinks. They'd already had last call (at 9pm??), but let us order something. Here are Krista, Inger, and Sara:
We finally ended up at Perkins, since they are open 24 hours, ate yummy pie, and visited for several hours:

May 22nd, Mom bought this bat and ball for Ben ~ he loved playing with them!:
May 23rd, George, Em, and Nick arrived in Ames around 4pm. George and I headed to the rehearsal, and then we all went to Inger's parents' for the rehearsal dinner/picnic. The kids enjoyed sitting by the pool:

and playing outside, where these lovely flowers were:
And here are Tony and Inger, on their final night as bachelor and bachelorette!:

May 24th, we started out bright and early at the hair dresser's, where I got an up-do!:
Later we went to the church, put on our makeup, dressed, and got ready for pictures. Here is the beautiful bride:

Me and George (before we had our bouquet and boutonniere):
Inger applies some lipstick before walking down the aisle:
After the lovely ceremony, we headed to the Memorial Union for a fun reception. Here are the newlyweds!:
Their gorgeous cake:
Emmalie, dancing to the band's music:

And Nick, dancing with his Aunt Christine:
May 25th, the next day there was a wedding brunch at Reiman Gardens. Afterwards we got to tour the butterfly house:

and the gardens, too:

May 26th, our Memorial Day consisted mostly of driving back home, but we did also take the kids to see Prince Caspian that night. I was glad to be done with living out of a suitcase for awhile:
May 27th, I came back to some beautiful blooms in our garden, a peony and some "pinks":

May 28th, in the evening we went to Emmalie's school for "6th Grade Recognition Night", where she earned several awards, academic and otherwise. They had a mini graduation party, too... I can't believe she will be in middle school in the fall!

May 29th, I was supposed to take a picture of something red for a challenge. This is my favorite red item! :) :
May 17th, after a looong drive to Iowa, Ben and I were ready to get out and go for a walk! This is him with my mom, resting on a bench, and then reading a bedtime story back at my parents':

and then to see the baby colts at the ISU horse barns:

May 21st, Ben and I went to my in-laws' for the day. Here Grandma Fran plays "trucks" with Ben:

Then headed to Cafe Shi, where we met up with Inger's sister Krista and had a delicious meal:

Next we drove to Legends, a bar on campustown, for some drinks. They'd already had last call (at 9pm??), but let us order something. Here are Krista, Inger, and Sara:

May 22nd, Mom bought this bat and ball for Ben ~ he loved playing with them!:

and playing outside, where these lovely flowers were:

May 24th, we started out bright and early at the hair dresser's, where I got an up-do!:

Me and George (before we had our bouquet and boutonniere):

Inger applies some lipstick before walking down the aisle:

After the lovely ceremony, we headed to the Memorial Union for a fun reception. Here are the newlyweds!:

Their gorgeous cake:

And Nick, dancing with his Aunt Christine:

May 25th, the next day there was a wedding brunch at Reiman Gardens. Afterwards we got to tour the butterfly house:

and the gardens, too:

May 26th, our Memorial Day consisted mostly of driving back home, but we did also take the kids to see Prince Caspian that night. I was glad to be done with living out of a suitcase for awhile:

May 28th, in the evening we went to Emmalie's school for "6th Grade Recognition Night", where she earned several awards, academic and otherwise. They had a mini graduation party, too... I can't believe she will be in middle school in the fall!

May 29th, I was supposed to take a picture of something red for a challenge. This is my favorite red item! :) :