Here's George, walking in the door:

This is my life. It may be small and not (usually) too exciting, but I love it, anyway. Nothing fancy here, it's just me... just Janelle.
Well, the time for revenge has come! George will turn 40 on June 11th, and for several days now, he's been receiving 2 or 3 cards a day in the mail, from some "anonymous" source. (Funny, though... I recognize the handwriting on the envelopes... and the postmarks all say Iowa... heheheh....): We are guessing there may be 40 cards in all by the time this is over! Several of the cards have been filled with this confetti:
and many others have included typewritten jokes about old people. Even though I'll be turning 40 just two days after George, I've been laughing right along with the kids as he opens his latest cards each day! George keeps asking, "What do you suppose I have to do to make it stop?" I told him I don't think we have enough money... LOL!
Lordy, lordy, we're almost 40!!