I've been neglecting my blog again, oops! We've been keeping busy, as usual, and now I have a couple million photos to share. :)
To finish up with April, here are a few of my daffodil pictures. We have several varieties ~ they are probably my favorite flower, though I love most other flowers, as well! :

This variety has miniature blooms, only about an inch across:

Benjamin brought me this lovely dandelion bouquet. :)

Here he is, helping Daddy put down some new soil. George had dug up a big clump of tiger lilies to give away (we have WAY more than we want), then filled the hole and put down grass seed:

Also in April, Nick had his last drama performance at church (at least until fall). Here he is with his drama director:

Emmalie and her handbell choir also had their last performance of the school year:

My grape hyacinths were SO pretty! They have been spreading, and I am so glad!

I'm not really a "red" person, but do have a couple red tulips in my garden:

Ben learned how to ride his tricycle in April ~ he was so proud of himself!:

Some of my white tulips:

And these red and yellow tulips that just appeared one year ~ I did not plant them!

These are my favorite tulips, with double blooms:

My friend Dawn came to visit me at the end of April/beginning of May. We drove over to Long Grove, IL one day and I snapped these photos:

And here Dawn and I are, back at home. We all enjoyed having you here, Dawn!

I LOVE my bleeding heart plant, and only wish that I could see it from inside the house.... :

These creeping phlox are new ~ I'm hoping to line our walkway with them!

One day at lunch, Ben decided to get a little creative with his carrots and peas before he ate them. :)

On May 7th, Em and I attended the WELCA Spring Dinner at church. There was so much yummy food there, including these fruit kabobs for dessert:

On the 8th, we drove to Ames. That evening, we went on a walk around the paths at Ada Hayden Park with my parents and Christine. We saw this cute toad:

and also these rain clouds rolling in!:

We forgot to bring jackets along, so Ben had to borrow this one of Mom's. It was a *bit* big!

On the 9th, Mom, Dad, Fran, Em, Nick, and I went to the graduation ceremony for the ISU College of Design, to see our favorite grad, Christine! We got there super early, and waited and waited and waited. Then, ten minutes before the ceremony was to begin, the fire alarm went off, and everyone had to evacuate the building! Here are Em, Nick, and Christine outside:

Dad, Christine, and Mom:

Finally, we were able to go back inside. Here's the new grad with her diploma... er... poster:

It was a really exciting ceremony. Here are Nick and Fran sleeping, and Em doing origami, LOL:

After the ceremony, we all went for lunch at Valentino's. George and Ben met us there:

Mmm... ice cream. (That's my boy!):

Back at Mom and Dad's, we got a few more grad pictures:

Christine graduated magna cum laude, with a degree in city and regional planning. Way to go, Christine!!

Later that day, we played ball behind Mom and Dad's:

and then we went to Inis Grove Park for a picnic supper:

We even played a rousing game of croquet!

Our Mother's Day started off with brunch and the sight of deer behind my parents' house:

My dad had gotten corsages for me, Mom, and Fran:

Christine gave me these beautiful mums:

And Mom gave me this cool penguin to add to my collection! :)

We attempted to get a good picture of me with the kids, but none of them were cooperating especially well!

Here are the 3 moms:

Fran with her 3 sons, James, Nathan, and George (the oldest and shortest, LOL):

Me, Mom, and Christine. I don't know WHY it looks like Mom is holding our arms down. It's not like we would give her bunny ears for a picture or anything....

In the afternoon, we all spent a couple of hours at ISU's Reiman Gardens. Besides the plants and flowers, they currently also have a few dinosaurs on display!:

This is a cool whale sculpture, made out of willow branches (I think). It is big enough that you can go inside the mouth and sit down on a bench in there!

We drove back home on the 11th. Instead of taking the interstate as usual, we went a more scenic route. We were planning to go up into this tower near Galena, IL, but then found out it was closed for repairs.

We still saw some pretty scenery, though:

This week, Nick had to give his class a presentation on South Dakota. He was supposed to bring in a food representing the state, so we decided to make kuchen, SD's state dessert. We'd never made it before, but I'm sure we'll be making it again in the future ~ it sure is yummy! Nick helped mix the dough:

Roll it out:

Add apple and blueberry fillings:

Top with a creamy custard and cinnamon:

Bake and mmmmmm.....

Nick also had to make a 3-D project related to his state, so he decided to make Mount Rushmore. I did help him some, but made sure it was mostly HIS project. We used styrofoam and Model Magic, plus a few scrapbook supplies. :)

The kids have been taking swimming lessons this month, and having a lot of fun with it:

We also have some more plants blooming now. I just bought and planted this thrift. The picture isn't great, but the plants are pretty in real life, and are supposed to bloom until fall!

Our lilac bush:

Some of my forget-me-nots. I love these dainty little flowers!

Some columbine:

And dead nettle. Why does such a pretty plant have such an ugly name?

Last, but not least, here is one of my new pink tulips that I planted last fall:

I can't believe that it's the middle of the month already, but I guess it is! Happy Birthday, Mom!!