I just love Valentine's Day!! I know there are people out there who call it a "Hallmark holiday", but, hey, Valentine's Day has been around WAY longer than the Hallmark company. (Since the 5th century, in fact. Thanks to my friend Pam V for that info!) Other people criticize the holiday by saying, "You shouldn't just tell people you love them on February 14th." I totally agree with that sentiment! However, you also shouldn't ONLY be thankful for the things you have on Thanksgiving, and I don't think I've ever heard someone say they won't celebrate Thanksgiving for that reason.
Maybe it's because I love heart-shaped things. Maybe it's because I have fond memories of Valentine parties at school. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for holidays in general. I think it has something to do with all those things, and also because it makes me happy to think of all the people that I love, and to give them a little token of my affection. :)
Luckily, my kids seem to love Valentine's Day, too! (And George, who says he used to hate the holiday before I came along, now enjoys it.) Benjamin had a fun time making valentines for his preschool class last week. (We got the idea for them from one of Ben's magazines.) It's true that I did most of the work on the finger puppet bears (that said "I'm beary glad you're my friend" on the back), but Ben glued the hearts on and also wrote his name on the back of every one:

He was so excited to come home after his class party on the 11th, and go through his bag full of valentines and treats!

That night, Nick's school held a "Family Dance Night". George was unable to join us due to work, but the kids and I had a fun time. Ben loved doing the limbo:

and dancing with his siblings:

Nick won a teddy bear in one of the raffles, so he was happy!

and Emm got to bring home one of the heart balloons:

Nick used my Cricut machine to make valentines for his classmates. Of course, they had animals on them! The sentiment on the back read, "Wishing you a wildly fun Valentine's Day!":

Nick said that he doesn't understand why more kids don't make their own valentines. (He's the only one in his class who does.) I don't understand it, either....
On the evening of the 13th, the kids helped me make our traditional valentine cookies, yum!:

George went out on the 13th and brought home this beautiful bouquet for me. :) (He also gave me some other thoughtful gifts yesterday.):

When the kids woke up on Valentine's Day, they were greeted with cards, candy, and presents at their spots at the dining room table. (Oh, and cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven!):

We gave Ben this Truckery Rhymes book and also some Matchbox trucks:

Emm got this iTunes card and some Littlest Pet Shop figurines:

and Nick got a toy lizard and llama Webkinz:

Three of my favorite valentines:

We had to leave early for church because Nick's drama team had to perform at the 9 and 10:30 services. Their skit was called "Stormy Seas", and Nick played a boss who had to lay off his employee. He actually ASKED if he could wear his tie for the part, LOL:

Benjamin's choir performed during the 10:30 service, as well. They sang "Jesus Loves Me", and it was SO cute! I recorded the whole song, and hope to share it soon.
We had a nice afternoon, and then I prepared a special Valentine's dinner for the family before having to take Emmalie to Confirmation... tortellini alfredo, cheese bread, spinach salad, and sparkling grape juice complete with heart-shaped ice cubes! I spent an hour reading at Barnes & Noble while Emm was at church (it was deserted ~ guess it's not the hot spot to take your valentine, LOL), and then George and I rounded out the evening watching the Olympics (*love* the pairs skating!!) and The Amazing Race. What a great day! :)