March would've been a long and busy month anyway, but health issues have made it even longer and busier! If you were to take a look at my calendar, you'd not only see the activities photographed below listed on the different days, but also a trip to the ER, several tests at the hospital, doctor's appointments, and then, finally, gallbladder surgery! Whew, what a month.
Since January, Emmalie has spent a few hours every other week with a children's choir, practicing some songs in Latin. On March 11th, they finally got to perform with high school students and 3 guest soloists in a wonderful concert, the Carmina Burana. George and I were able to attend, and we were very impressed! I took a few photos at the very end. Here is the children's choir (Emm is second from the right in the back row):

The 3 guest soloists:

The incredible Mr. Hain, choir director extraordinaire:

Emm with a Carmina Burana poster:

A favorite March sight, our crocuses in bloom:

On the 13th, George and I took Benjamin to a birthday party at McDonald's. The party was for a preschool friend, Jasper:

Several of the kids from their class were there, including Ben's BFF's, Kassy and Alexander (or Eggzander, as Ben calls him, LOL):

Ben had a blast playing party games, smacking a pinata, and playing on all the fun equipment:

On the 15th, our school district announced that they will be laying off over 700 teachers next year, due to budget cuts, including Mr. Hain (mentioned above). Emmalie was, understandably, very upset about this. On the 16th, she came home with a sign taped onto her back that she had made, "No Teacher Left Behind". Then, that night, she used the same slogan to create a "walking petition"... she wore this shirt to school the next day, and gathered dozens of signatures (this photo was taken before she went to school):

The kids started out their St. Patrick's Day with a treasure hunt, looking for the pot o' gold hidden for them by Lucky the Leprechaun. Here is Emmalie, reading the first clue:

Ben found a clue in one of his trucks:

Eventually the clues led them to the oven, where they found their treasure... Lucky Charms, St. Patrick's Day body stickers, M&M's, and the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs:

So lucky to have these 3 in my life!:

The 18th was Pajama Day at Ben's preschool. I got this shot of him and HopHop that morning (he got to take his favorite stuffed animal to school):

I did not get a picture of him at school, however, because I was busy having my gallbladder removed! I had surgery the morning of the 18th, and then came home that evening. I've been taking my pain meds and trying to rest since then. Still having some pain, but I'm doing better.
On the 19th, Emmalie baked herself a birthday cake. She decided awhile ago that she wanted to try her hand at making a Hogwarts cake, to go with a Harry Potter themed party. Here she is on the 20th, decorating it:

It turned out cute!:

That evening we met Emm's best friend Tori and her mom Cathy at Stir Crazy for supper. Yum! It was my first real meal in 3 days, so I thoroughly enjoyed it!:

Afterwards, Tori came back to the house with us, and Emmalie had a Very Harry Birthday! They didn't have Harry Potter balloons at the party store, so we improvised a bit:

Emm made this banner to hang in the dining room:

Emmalie seemed to like all of her gifts...

but especially the Gryffindor scarf made by her Aunt Christine!! :

Our magical birthday girl (can't believe she's 14 already!!):

George and I bought special candles that sparked when lit ~ very fun!:

Emmalie, Tori, and the balloon bouquet that Tori surprised Emm with at school on Friday:

A birthday hug from Benjamin:

Emm wasn't the only one lucky enough to receive one of Christine's fantastic scarves. I also bought this one, The Scarf That Roared, for Nick. Like his sister, he was thrilled!:

I bought one for myself, as well, but need to get a better picture of myself wearing it to post. (We took some on Saturday, but you can tell I was on pain medication at the time, LOL!)
This week is the kids' Spring Break. It's lucky for me that I was able to have my surgery done right before ~ now Emm and Nick are home to help me out when I need it. Hopefully I'll be feeling better later this week and we'll be able to do some fun things....