Well, Katie challenged us to try something new and then blog about it. I am trying to get used to taking pictures with my digital camera, so I guess that's something new! :) I've also been trying to take a "Photo of the Day" this year, like some of my friends. Mine aren't anything spectaular (not yet, anyway)... but still show a little glimpse into my life. Here's what I've taken so far:
Jan. 1, my Christmas cards... such a happy sight, mail from so many loved ones!:

Jan. 2, the gingerbread house I made in December:
Jan. 3, a SMALL sampling of my snowmen... on the kitchen shelf:

Jan. 4, my messy scrap desk, ack!:

Jan. 5, our tree (which is not up anymore!):

Jan. 6, Benjamin and his dump truck. I took a TON of pics while he was playing, and this is the only one that turned out... he is just too quick!:

Jan. 7, some small shoes :) :

Jan. 8, "Ben was here"... aka, the typical state of our living room!:

Jan. 9, Tucker, our feathered family member:

I haven't taken one for today, yet, but hope to soon!