And let's hope 2009 is much better, shall we? :)
It looks like I need to finish up sharing my pictures from the last days of 2008, so here are a few of them....
Dec. 15th, a daily ritual... Nick and Em giving Ben hugs and kisses before they leave for school ~ he gets QUITE upset if they forget!:

Em got her kiss in beneath the mistletoe!:

Dec. 16th, I spent the evening wrapping gifts:

Dec. 17th, more snow... this is looking out our dining room window at the big drift on our patio:

Dec. 18th, George brought home a Christmas orchid for me:

Dec. 19th, it was supposed to be the kids' last day before Winter Break, but they ended up having a snow day! Here are some of the drifts in front of our house:

Nick and Em, sliding on the piles the snow plow made near our house:

Ben by a snowdrift:

Dec. 20th, Nick and I went caroling with other people from church. We sang several songs for people at a retirement community:

and then headed back to church for cookies and hot cocoa:

Dec. 21st, enjoying the Clementines that Grandma Great gave us for Christmas:

Dec. 22nd, the kids helped me bake cookies. (It was Ben's first time baking!) First we made snowball cookies:

and then we made Painted Eggnog Cookies. (That "paint" is really egg yolk with food coloring stirred in.) Yum!:

Dec. 23rd, this was our "Santa Eve"... Santa usually comes early to our house, and this year was no exception. The kids put oats outside for the reindeer:

and a plate of cookies and some eggnog by the tree for Santa. (Also 9 carrots for the reindeer... Nick always makes sure they are well taken care of!):

Dec. 24th, our early Christmas. The kids had a blast opening gifts and playing with all their new toys, etc.:

These are the boxes that Emmalie made to hold her gifts for me. I thought the origami boxes were so cute!:

Here are the kids, sitting with all of their gifts... I think Santa treated them pretty well!:

That night we went to The Cheesecake Factory for a special Christmas Eve dinner:

Dec. 25th, we spent Christmas Day at my grandma's, with my parents, Christine, my aunts and uncles, and many of my cousins:

As always, there was the Men's Grab Bag game:

and the Women's, too:

The kids enjoyed playing in the basement with their second cousins!:

Dec. 26th, these are the gifts that Emmalie made for me:

Dec. 27th, a silly Nick with 3 Santa hats on his head! (I know, he doesn't look too happy, but he was going for "funny".):

Dec. 28th, our back door, filled with Christmas cards received from family and friends:

Dec. 29th, one of my favorite snowmen... my mom used to put him by our Christmas tree when I was little!:

Dec. 30th, I cleaned off my desk so I would be all ready for the January online crop at Scrapbook Friends:

Dec. 31st, we celebrated New Year's Eve with friends and had a wonderful time! Here is Ben with his buddy David:

The kids, getting into the spirit just a few minutes before midnight:

Toasting the new year (with sparkling grape juice, of course):

Pulling apart a New Year's cracker:

The girls... Tracy, Em, Karen, and me:

The guys... Steve, David, George, Nick, Ben (still toasting the new year), and Jason:

Happy New Year to you all! May 2009 bring you peace, hope, and much love!