On the 12th, Nick and I made our traditional snowman cookies for him to take to school the next day, for birthday treats. This year, though, instead of using orange icing for the carrot noses, we used candy corn. I think the snowmen turned out cute! :)

On the 13th, Ben helped me pick out balloons for Nick. There wasn't a big selection of animal balloons, but since Nick likes Nemo, we went with these:

The kids and I went to church on the evening of Nick's birthday, for drama/dinner/handbells. When we got back home, Nick opened his gifts:

Shortly after that, Nick's best friend Jordan stopped by with more gifts!

We invited Jordan and his mom to stay for cake:

This year Nick picked lemon-lime cake, with orange sherbet to go with it, yum! Here's the birthday boy (and the toy spider Jordan gave him to scare his sister with!):

Later on, Nick wanted to play charades. This is him and Ben acting out one of their words:

I always take a picture of the birthday person with each family member:

On the 14th, Nick's school held their winter holiday concert. (It was supposed to be in December, but got postponed due to bad weather.) Here is Nick (with Jordan) before the show:

The 5th graders sing:

For their last song (Feliz Navidad), Nick and a few others played instruments:

On the 15th, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for a belated birthday dinner. My friend Dawn and her friend Larry joined us!
Watching the fish is one of the kids' favorite parts of going to this restaurant:

Dawn gave Nick a walrus Webkinz for his birthday. He loves it! (Thanks, Miss Dawn!!):

Waiting for dinner to arrive:

After dinner, we ordered a volcano cake, and the staff sang happy birthday to Nick:

It was a fun evening! :)

On the 16th, Emmalie went snow tubing with a friend at our local ski hill. I couldn't get any photos of her tubing (I would've had to pay admission), but did snap this one before she got started:

Apparently it was foggy on Sat. evening, and when we were leaving for church yesterday, everything was covered with a thick frost. My pictures don't really do it justice ~ the trees were beautiful!

Today the kids are enjoying their day off from school. Happy MLK Day, everyone!