Benjamin learned a new trick the other day... he now knows how to climb onto our dining room chairs. Ack! We've been putting two chairs facing each other in front of the tv so that he couldn't reach the buttons while we're trying to watch something. On Sunday night, he climbed right up on one, changed the channel, and then stood up and tried to grab something breakable off the entertainment center. Oh, dear!
I took him down, and moved the chairs back to the table. Well, B went right over to a chair and began pushing it back toward the living room! Luckily, when he got to the carpet, he got stuck.... (I'm sure it's only a matter of time till he figures out how to get the chair up on the carpet!) I put the chair back and he fooled me by sitting down with one of his toys. I walked away for a few minutes, and by the time I came back in the room, he'd gotten up on another chair, and was helping himself to the platter of cookies on the dining room table! He is such a little stinker!
We put the boys' tree up in their bedroom this weekend, and also rearranged the living room furniture to make room for a tree there. (We hope to get one this week.) I finished addressing Christmas cards last night, and am hoping to write up our letter to go inside today. I also have some gifts to work on. It seems like there is always something that needs to be done at this time of year....
I guess I've been slacking off on my blog ~ I haven't had a Friend of the Week for a couple of weeks now, and I even forgot about Photo Friday! Ooops! So, I'm a day late, but this week's FOTW is...
Rorie! Rorie is another IDOS friend of mine. :) She has an adorable son, Joey, who is about one month older than Ben ~ it's fun to "compare notes" with her and share the joys and trials of one-year-old boys. I was lucky enough to meet Rorie and Joey when I went to Las Vegas earlier this year:

Rorie is such a sweet, caring person, as well as an awesome mom and scrapper! (Oh, and she also has a fun blog, too!) I wish we'd been able to spend more time together in June ~ maybe I just need to go back to Nevada! :) I bet Ben and Joey would have fun together....