It's been a busy day, and I feel like I've been on the go since the moment B woke me up this morning. I'm finally enjoying some quiet time now, though, while George, E, and N are at the circus, and B is in bed!
I was able to take my film in today and get it developed... which means I have Halloween photos to share! :) However, it looks like the pics of me as Mom Zombie are on the film that's still in my camera, so I guess I'll have to share those another day.
First, I had to take a pic of B in his shirt that says "Grandma's Little Pumpkin" (bought by Grandma Bev, of course!) I tried to get him to pose holding his pumpkin, but he did NOT want to cooperate! He was much more interested in me giving him the chalk, so I finally did, and then snapped this one quick:

As you can see, B loves to color, whether it's with chalk or crayons or markers. And he likes to use as many colors as possible, all at the same time:

E and N opted for the scary look on their pumpkins this year. They did everything except the actual cutting ~ they scooped out all the insides, drew their design on, and then painted after I cut:

And now for a glimpse of Christine's fantastic costume creations! :)
Emmalie wanted to be Polaris, space-age superhero (her imaginary friend, and the heroine of many comic strips that Em has drawn). She drew pictures for Christine to follow, which C did ~ right down to the "E" on the gold belt, the lightning bolts on the boots, and the holster for the ray gun. Em was thrilled to have something she's imagined made into reality!

These pictures don't do justice to Nick's AWESOME giraffe costume. Christine made it complete with all the details that make it look so lifelike ~ it even has eyelashes and tufts of hair on the horns. Everyone who saw it was in total awe....

I managed to get a few pics of Benjamin the elephant before he took the hat off of his head. I thought this costume was adorable back when Emmalie and Nick wore it, but it's even cuter to see it on B, who can actually walk around in it! (E and N weren't quite walking yet when they wore it.)

Oh, I almost forgot! Today I am thankful for:
Pay day! Enough said....
A can of ice-cold Pepsi Lime. Yum. (I needed that caffeine, too!!)
A trip to my favorite scrap store, Archivers. I saw SO many wonderful new things for layouts in there today! I managed to be a good girl and only bought what I really needed... but, oh, it was tempting!!